Admissions Advising

For students who wish to be more intentional with their approach.

Our curated preparation process ensures the production of applications that highlight strengths, emphasize talents, and address any unconventional curricular or other circumstances.

By weaving a narrative that is both intentional and nuanced, students are able to craft the best possible representations of themselves, connecting the dots between who they are and who they will become over the next four years. 

Application components such as the essay, supplemental responses, letters of recommendation and extracurricular activities resumes lend themselves well to strategy, refinement, and mentored implementation.

Our Process


In our introductory discussion, we will gather a wide range of information that will influence how we personalize and craft our plan. This includes testing history, consideration of all upcoming testing opportunities, academic performance, learning style, any learning differences (such as dyslexia or ADHD), accommodations (extra time), and much more.


Interviews provide an opportunity to humanize and bring personal nuance to the application. This is an excellent chance to create connections and turn an admissions officer into an advocate. Our team will curate a list of questions, devise thoughtful responses with the student, and role play until the student feels comfortable and confident. A written follow-up to the interviews will also be overseen.


Developing a list of colleges and universities that cover a wide range of possibilities is essential. Utilizing our knowledge of admissions trends, the impact of external events like Covid-19, as well as data from twenty years of college placement, we can make sound forecasts about admission opportunities.


This is the single most daunting piece of the application for most students. The thought of staring at a blank page with a blinking cursor can be paralyzing! Our team lends students the support they need while enabling them to draft interesting, informative, and appealing application essays.


Many counselors will request that students complete a “brag sheet” or questionnaire in order to draft richer more personalized recommendation letters. This is an incredible opportunity to shape the student’s narrative and ensure their recommendation letters will have the most impact.


High school students are just beginning to understand the importance of student-teacher relationships. We provide guidance on how to effectively develop these throughout the junior year—and secure stellar letters of recommendation.


Mapping out these engagements ahead of time is fundamental to demonstrating long-term commitment, depth of interest, and illustrating a theme in the application. It’s never too late to craft unique, meaningful experiences—but the sooner the better.


Course mapping is instrumental in leading students to success. By planning carefully, an applicant will exhibit mastery in areas of strength and competency in others. It’s important to maximize rigor when possible, while always positioning the student for the highest level of achievement that is appropriate for his or her skill set.

“I just wanted to express my gratitude for the time you spent with me on my applications. It is so greatly appreciated, and I’m not sure I would have been admitted to so many schools without your help!”

—BK—Client/Student at Cornell University, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management

Our Services